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Blue Sky

© Claudio Gottardo


Titolo Blue Sky
Autore Claudio Gottardo
Anno 2021
Tiratura solo 20 copie

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Prezzo da : xxxx

Qualità senza compromessi

Opere firmate dall'autore, numerate e certificate DigiGraphie ®

Carta Hahnemühle
Photo Rag ® 305gsm


Certificato di aut. DigiGraphie ®


Timbro a secco e
bollino olografico


Solo cornici in legno e fatte su misura


Altre opere dell'autore

Biografia autore

My name is Claudio Gottardo I was born in Cerignola, Puglia in 1983. I grew up watching my father photograph and make scripts with his family.
I received my first canon camera when I was 11 and I have never stopped photographing, fascinated by the possibility of stopping for a moment forever. At the age of 18 I moved to Turin, where I still live and work as a warehouse manager.
The passion for photography pervades me since I was a child, attracted by the power to stop a moment forever and show my vision of life through a creative thought. I spend hours having fun, observing and photographing life in black and white attracted by the lights and shadows that accompany me in life.
In the summer of 2020 I ranked first in the "A different summer" competition in the municipality of Nichelino.
In December 2020 my photo was selected in the Ready (re) Departure category, via the ACI Pistoia Photo Contest.
Photography makes me happy, relaxes me and amuses me. I am an amateur photographer because I love photography and the magic that is in it.
International photographic exhibition "Lock Art", from 9 september to 21 november 2021, at the Don Bosco house Museum in Turin (italy).

Claudio Gottardo vende le fotografie su dal 28/11/2021